See, Eric W. King, A Brief Postal History of Belize


Agriculture Station 1938

All Pines 1888 16n46 88w16

Angel Lane in Belize City

August Pine Ridge 17n58 88w47

Bakers 1903 17n32 88w23

Baking Pot 1960 17n13 88w54

Banana Bank 1907 17n19 88w46

Barracks 1931

Barranco 1951 15n59 88w55

Belize A06 K65 17n30 88w12

Belize New River Service 1908

Bel-Mopan 17n15 88w47

Benque Viejo 1914 17n05 89w08

Bermudian Landing 17n32 88w31

Big Falls 1907 17n30 88w34

Bomba 1938 17n53 88w16

Boom 1907 17n33 88w23

Botanic Station

Burrell Boom 17n34 88w24

Butcher Burns 17n23 88w26

Caledonia 1910 18n14 88w29

Castile 17n21 88w40

Caye Caulker 1903 17n46 88w00? Belize district

The Cayo (San Ignacio) 1892 17n09 89w03

Central Farm 17n11 88w59

Commerce Bight 1908 16n51 88w17

Consejo 18n27 88w17  Corozal district

Coquericot 1914 17n24 88w37

Corozal 1879 C 18n24 88w24

Crooked Tree 1960 17n45 88w32

Double Head Cabbage 1907 17n32 88w33

Douglas 18n14 88w35

Duck Run 1938 17n11 89w02

Gales Point 1908 17n11 88w20

Gallon Jug 17n32 89w02

Gracie Rock (Gracy Rock Bank) 1913 17n21 88w27

Guinea Grass 1910 17n57 88w35

Hopkins 1960 1652 8817

Independence 16n32 88w25

Isabella Bank 1907 17n34 88w32

Louisville 1960 18n19 88w30

Lowry's Bight 1908 18n19 88w21?

Manatee   Belize district

Mango Creek 1960 16n32 88w25

Maskall 1938 17n53 88w18

Middlesex Farm 1914 1701 88w30

Monkey River 189x 16n22 88w29

Mount Hope 17n12 88w55

Mullins River 1887 17n05 88w17

New River Service  Belize district

Northern River 1903  Belize district

Orange Walk 1979 18n06 88w33

Patchchakan 18n23 88w28

Placencia 1960 16n31 88w21

Pomona 1938 16n59 88w22

Progresso 1908 18n13 88w24

Punta Gorda 1879 16n07 88w48

Radio Station 1929 in Belize City?

Riversdale 1914 16n42 88w18

Roaring Creek 17n15 88w47

Rock Dondo 1909 17n20 88w44

Rockstone Pond 1960 17n44 88w20

St. George's Caye 1894 local post 17n33 88w03?

San Antonio 18n07 88w39

San Estevan 1888 18n09 88w30

San Pedro (Ambergris Caye) 1909 17n55 87w57

San Roman 18n18  88w30

Sandhill in Belize district

Santa Elena 17n08 89w02

Sartaneja 1960 18n21 88w08

Seine Bight 16n35 88w21

Sittee 1960 16n50 88w16

Spanish Lookout 1907 17n13 88w58

Stanley Field (Ladyville, Philip Goldson International Airport) 17n32 88w18

Stann Creek (Dandriga) 1879 16n58 88w13

Stann Creek Rail

Stann Creek Valley 1938

Toledo 16n08 88w49

Wellsport 1903 shipping port on Sennis River north of Monkey River Village