NEW BRUNSWICK Colony 1851-1867, Federation 1868-1900


Andover 1847 2 HDB 46n42 67w45 

Au Lac 45n52 64w16                           

Baie Verte 3  46n01 64w06                   

Bathurst 4 47n36 65w39

Bear Island  M 46n06 64w47

Beckaguimick (Hartland) 46n17 67w31        

Bend of Petitcodiac (Moncton) 5 M 46n06 64w47

Black Brook OK                                   

Boiestown 1853 46n27 66w24             

Buctouche 1858 46n28 64w43          

Butternut Ridge 1860 46n00 65w19             

Campbellton 1857 6 48n00 66w40

Campo Bello 7 44n52 66w57                

Carleton - St. John 45n15 66w04

Chatham 1854 8 47n02 65w28

Cherry Vale 1896 46n03 65w29                         

Chipman 1896 46n10 65w52        

Clifton 47n43 65w23                           

Clifton - Kings Co. 1878 45n27 66w00

Colebrooke (Grand Falls) 9 1858 47n03 67w44      

Cumberland Bay 46n02 65w52

Cumberland Point 1895 45n58 66w00

Dalhousie 10 48n04 66w23

Dorchester 11 45n54 64w31

Dumfries 1862  45n57 67w09                 

Dumfries (Robertville) 47n42 65w46             

Edmundston 1852 12 47n22 68w20

Eel River (Canterbury) 1853 45n53 57w28        

Fairville 45n15 66w06

Fredericton 13 45n58 66w39

Gagetown 14 45n47 66w09

Glassville 46n29 67w25                    

Grand Manan 34? 44n42 66w47                    

Grand River 47n17 67w47

Greenwich Hill 45n27 66w00

Hampton 15 45n32 65w51  

Hampton Ferry 1850

Harcourt   46n28 65w15          

Harvey 16 45n43 64w43

Head of Petitcodiac

Hillsborough 17 45n56 64w39

Hopewell (Shepody) 45n46 64w39

Hopewell - The Cape 45n50 64w35            

Hopewell Corner (Albert) 45n45 64w44

Hopewell Hill 45n45 65w40

Indian Island 37?  46n39 64w48          

Indiantown 39 WGB 45n17 66w05

Kingston 18 45n29 65w58                

Kingston - Kent (Rexton) 46n38 64w52

McDonalds Corner 1894 45n47 66w00

McGivney Junction   

Memramcook 19 46n00 64w33                   

Milltown (Burnsville) 20 47n42 65w10         

Millville 1895 46n07 67w11                          

Miramichi (Chatham) 47n02 65w28     

Moores Mills 1896 45n17 67w16                   

New Mills 1857 47n57 66w10                   

Newcastle 21 47n00 65w34

New Town 1869  45n50 65w26                                         

North River Platform  1870 45n56 65w11

Oak Hill 1897 45n19 67w19                      

Oromocto 1861 22 45n51 66w29

Ossekeag 1867 38 45n33 65w50

Passekeag 45n33 65w46

Peel 1889 46n20 67w32                           

Perth 1894 46n44 67w41                       

Perth Centre 1894

Petitcodiac 45n55 65w10                

Pokemouche 1856 47n39 64w53            

Port Elgin  46n02  64w05                   

Portage River                  nland 

Prince William (Rosborough) 1895  45n54 67w03       

The Range 1870 46n04 65w54

Richibucto 1851 23 46n41 64w52

Rockland 1887 45n54 64w33

Rockland Station

Rothsay 1895 45n23 66w00

Round Hill 45n31 66w08

Rusagornis 45n48 66w34

Rusagornis Station

Sackville 1864 24 45n54 64w22

St. Andrews 27 45n08 67w06

St. George 28 45n08 66w49

St. John 1849 1 45n16 66w03

St. Martins 29 45n21 65w32

St. Stephen 30 S 45n12 67w17

Salisbury 1852 25 46n02 65w03        

Shanklin  45n21 65w36                      

Shediac 1896 26 46n13 64w32

Sheffield 35  45n53 66w18               

Shippigan 1849 47n44 64w43          

Shortholm TS                  queens

Somerville 1895  46n17 67w32                

South Branch Oromocto (Blissville, Bailey) 45n36 66w33     

Stanley 1871 46n17 66w44                         

Starkeys (Chambres Corner) 45n54 65w49

Sussex Corner 1868 45n42 65w29           

Sussex Vale 31   

Tedish (Cape Bald, Cap Pele) 46n12 64w16

Temiscouta (in Quebec)

Tidnish Bridge 45n59 64w03

Thornetown 1895 45n52 65w51

Upham Vale (Hammond Vale) 1893 36?  45n34 65w30 

Upper Gaspereaux 1875 46n17 65w52

Upper Kent 46n34 67w42                     

Upper Maugerville 1875 45n54 66w32

Upper Mills 32 45n08 67w20                 

Victoria 1895 46n16 67w31 ?

Weldford (Harcourt) 1894 46n28 65w15    

Welsford WNB 45n27 66w20

Wicklow 1869 nland

Woodstock 33 46n09 67w34




Bald Hill



Harts Mills


Lower Canterbury

Main River





St. John
