See, Joe Chin Aleong and Edward B. Proud, The Postal
History of Trinidad and Tobago
Belle Garden 1946 11n13 60w35
Bethel 1926 11n10 60w47
Black Rock 1952 11n11 60w47
Buccoo Point 1952 11n09 60w48
Canaan 1943 11n08 60w49
Carnbee 1955 11n10 60w47
Castara 1904 11n16 60w40
Charlotteville 1940 11n19 60w33
Delaford 1937 11n15 60w34
Des Vignes Road 1949 11n14 60w44
Golden Lane 1952 11n14 60w43
Goodwood 1942 11n12 60w38
Hope 1948 11n11 60w41
Les Coteaux 1940 11n12 60w46
Mason Hall 1941 11n13 60w43
Moriah 1929 11n14 60w43
Mount Saint George 1946 11n11 60w42
Parlatuvier 1943 11n17 60w38
Patience Hill 194811n10 60w46
Pembroke 1938 11n13 60w37
Plymouth 1940 11n13 60w46
Roxboro (Roxborough) 1900 11n14 60w34
Scarborough A14 14 15 16 1858 11n10
Speyside 1903 11n17 60w32